The 2016 Hub Reading Challenge: Challenge Accepted


Every year the Young Adult Library Services Association’s literature blog, The Hub, hosts a challenge to read at least 25 YA titles that were awarded or honored by the Youth Media Awards that year in a limited amount of time (this year the challenge runs January 25 through June 23). This is my first year doing it, and of course, I’ll be blogging all about the books I’m reading here. You can also find the books I plan to read on my Hub Challenge Goodreads shelf.

While there are 90-some-odd titles to choose from, my choices will be limited to whatever titles I can get in e-book from my libraries back in Boston, making it a little extra challenging. I’m living in Israel up until the last 3 weeks of the challenge and English books are expensive and difficult to find here. If I run out of options near the end, I may be forced to buy an e-book or two but I’m going to get as far as I can on library books.

Anyone can participate in the challenge, so please sign up! You can read more about the challenge – guidelines, a list of eligible books, prizes – and declare your participation at The Hub blog.